atac Globe Awards Archives
6th Annual ATAC Globe Awards: 1995-1996
Production of a Musical The Grinch  
Little Shop of Horrors Magik Theater
The Phantom of the Alamo
The Secret Garden
Singin' in the Rain
The Sound of Music
Production of a Drama Broadway Bound
Charlotte's Web
Gingerbread Lady
Marvin's Room
Monday After the Miracle San Pedro Playhouse Cellar
Twilight of the Golds
Production of a Comedy Camping with Henry and Tom Offstage, Inc & ATSA
Frankly Scarlet
I Hate Hamlet
Same Time Next Year
Sherlock's Last Case
Direction of a Musical Vivienne Elborne Jerry's Girls
Vivienne Elborne The Sound of Music
Steve Garcia Singin' in the Rain
Greg Hinojosa Little Shop of Horrors
Gregory Hinojosa The Phantom of the Alamo
Gregory Hinojosa The Grinch
Gregory Hinojosa The Enchanted Pig
Mark Lit Pippin
Richard Rosen Really Rosie
Direction of a Drama Donna Aronson Macbeth
Joyce Lambrecht The Gingerbread Lady
Jim Mammarella Monday After the Miracle
Dan McLaughlin Charlotte's Web
Richard Rosen Christmas Carol
Richard Rosen Dracula
Bruce Shirky Broadway Bound
Direction of a Comedy Robert Ball Sherlock's Last Case  
Sidney Burnette I Hate Hamlet
Judy Jay Camping with Henry and Tom
Jeynifer Katz Parellel Lives
Jim Mammarella and Allan S. Ross Only Kidding
Scene Design Michael Gonzales Sherlock's Last Case  
Gregory Hinojosa Little Shop of Horrors
Karen Miller I Hate Hamlet
Robert Ream Camping with Henry and Tom
Allan S. Ross Lips Together, Teeth Apart
Lighting Design Nina Berg The Secret Garden
George Burnette Sherlock's Last Case
Dave Cortez The Enchanted Pig
Steven L. Gilliam Spring Awakening
Richard Henderson Camping with Henry and Tom
Costume Design Christian Calle Sherlock's Last Case
Noel Noblitt Camping with Henry and Tom
Greg Hinojosa The Grinch
Gregory Hinojosa The Phantom of the Alamo
Gregory Hinojosa Charlotte's Web
Margaret Mitchell Macbeth
Barbara Moore/Starline Costumes The Secret Garden
Original Script/Concept Richard Rosen The Grinch  
Richard Rosen The Phantom of the Alamo
Carla Silen Yousef's Partner
Steven Stoli It Happened One Night on the S. S. Applewhite
Mark Welch Scrooge's Rude Awakening
Original Score Chris Champlin The Bourgeois Gentleman  
George Cisneros The House on Mango Street
Michael Gonzalez Macbeth
Linda Kaufman Yousef's Partner
Roger Underwood The Grinch
Music Direction Joyce Brannon & Roger Underwood Little Shop of Horrors  
Vivienne Elborne The Secret Garden
Vivienne Elborne Jerry's Girls
Andrew Grobengleser, Tommy
Miller, and Michael Ursua
Singing in the Rain
Tommy Miller and M. Jones Dream Girls
Roger Underwood The Phantom of the Alamo
Roger Underwood The Enchanted Pig
Roger Underwood The Grinch
Brent Osner The Sound of Music
Choreography Aaron Callies  Dancing in Harlem  
Scott Conway Pippin
Missy Miller Anything Goes, Dream Girls, Really Rosie
Miller, Mabry, Lawson Singin' in the Rain
Jackie Sparks The Secret Garden
Lead Actor in a Musical Duwayne Green The Secret Garden
Kyle Humphrey Little Shop of Horrors
Rufus Jackson Dream Girls
Chris Lewis Singin' in the Rain
Geoff Smith Singin' in the Rain
Lead Actress in a Musical Christina Branz West Side Story
Corinne Breitbach The Music Man
Sherry Gibbs The Music Man
Becky V The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Sonya Yamin West Side Story
Supporting Actor in a Musical Steven Bull  The Secret Garden  
Kevin Murray The Grinch
Dan McLaughllin Little Shop of Horrors
R. C. Thor The Secret Garden"
Rueben V Little Shop of Horrors
Joseph Libby The Sound of Music"
Supporting Actress in a Musical Roxanne Alexander Little Shop of Horrors
Anna Gangai The Secret Garden
Becky Miller Really Rosie
Andrea Sandifer Annie Warbucks
Jackie Sparks Jerry's Girls
Annella Keys The Sound of Music
Allison Kreisberg The Sound of Music
Lead Actor in a Drama Ricardo Chavira Macbeth
Ken Davidson Broadway Bound
Lee Marshall Dracula
Rueben-Ortega-Young Charlotte's Web
Jeff Tribbitt Waiting for Godot
Wade Young Monday After the Miracle
Lead Actress in a Drama Kelly Abbott Suburbia
Vanessa Eichler How I Learned to Drive
Mary Rhame Park Your Car in Harvard Yard
Terri Pena Ross Ellemosynary
Sherri Truitt Everything in the Garden
Supporting Actor in a Drama Bob Aden It's a Wonderful Life  
Travis Derousse Marvin's Room
William Drummond Broadway Bound
Roger Underwood Charlotte's Web
Andrion Vicellio Broadway Bound
Travis York Waiting for Godot
Supporting Actress in a Drama Marianna Blaze Marvin's Room
Christy Burch Marvin's Room
Debi Evans Charlottes Web
Alicia Fernandez The House on Mango Street
Heather Hutson Charlotte's Web
Becky Miller Charlotte's Web
Debra Morales Macbeth
Maria Ybarra Macbeth
Lead Actor in a Comedy Bill Gundry Camping with Henry and Tom   
Dan Laurence Camping with Henry and Tom  
John O'Neill Camping with Henry and Tom
Stephen Price I Hate Hamlet
Lead Actress in a Comedy Alice Finney The Gin Game  
Anna Gangai Frankly Scarlett
Florence Jowdy The Old Ladies Guide to Survival
Kelly O'Brian Lips Together, Teeth Apart
Paula Jo Peterson Same Time Next Year
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Don Cass Cheaters  
Philip Kazen The Bourgeois Gentleman
Scott Leibowitz The Bourgeois Gentleman
Chuck Squier Frankly Scarlett
Frank Thomas Camping With Henry and Tom
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Marianna Blaze Frankly Scarlet
Christy Burch Jeffrey
Terry Pena Ross The Sisters Rosensweig
Sandy Schwartz The Day They Kidnapped the Pope
Sherrie Shirky Dearly Departed
Jasmina Wellinghoff Award Alice Finney, Actress